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Joshua Tree offers hikers unique landscapes

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — Walking through miles of rock-covered mountains while enjoying views of out-of-this-world landscapes is an invigorating experience for adrenaline junkies and first time hikers alike. Joshua Tree National Park near here offers a unique combination of remarkable rock formations, mild climate much of the year and diversityRead More…
Planning key to survival when visiting desert

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — If someone says, “you go one way, I’ll go the other way, and we will meet up on the other side,” do not agree to it if you are out in the desert. First, evaluate your surroundings. This idea may work in a grocery store orRead More…
Barker Dam: Path through Joshua history

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — From experienced hikers and rock climbers to families and Boy Scout groups, Joshua Tree National Park is visited by thousands of people from around the world each year. Although the hikes up the rough terrain of rocky formations are a main attraction for many visitors toRead More…
Palm oases add color to park’s desert

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — Known for dry hot weather and a barren sand and rock terrain, the last thing people think of when referring to a desert is lush greenery and supple water. However, the fan palm oases of Joshua Tree National Park defy this description. Of less than 200Read More…
People make Teton lake hike memorable

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – Growing up in the shadows of New York City, I’m not a person that is accustomed to strangers being friendly. So, imagine my surprise when I heard a cheerful “hi!” out of nowhere as I hiked the perimeter of Jenny Lake at Grand Teton National Park.Read More…
Horseback riders explore beauty of desert

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — As a horseback rider myself, I can see why spending a few hours on a horse would be a popular way to experience Joshua Tree National Park. The beautiful rock formations stand out against the blue sky and the vast 794,000-acre park seems infinite. For thoseRead More…
Hikers carve initials, damage park for all

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — There are two photos that stand out in my album from our trip to Joshua Tree National Park. The first captures the engraved initials on the trunk of a palm tree at 49 Palms Oasis. The second shows painted petroglyphs on rocks near Barker Dam. IRead More…
Park’s trails appeal to all kinds of bicyclists

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. — Pumping the pedals up and down hills of rock-covered mountains while admiring the breath-taking high-desert landscape of Joshua Tree National Park is an invigorating way to exercise. Joshua Tree offers bike riders miles of manageable bike trails full of views of the unique flora and faunaRead More…
Some manners, at 38,000 feet, go far

On my way to Los Angeles from Miami, something happened to me that had never happened before on an airplane. I had to deal with an out of control passenger. She was sitting behind me and she was extremely loud and obnoxious. She tormented me through the whole flight withRead More…
How to travel light in era of bag limits, fees

Due to the many restrictions in weight and size for luggage imposed by airlines, not to mention high bag fees, it is vital to maximize space. An extra bag can cause you more than $50. Or you might have to use two suitcases instead of one if it exceeds theRead More…
Search, rescue teams offer valuable help

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Each year, thousands of people visit Grand Teton National Park during each of the seasons. Some visitors are in the park simply admire the striking landscapes, the lovely summer weather, or to have a relaxing vacation. Others, the more adventurous types, decide to explore the wondersRead More…
Tetons offer much for photographers

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – There’s little on a road map to suggest the strip of highway that runs some 18 miles from Moran Junction to Moose Junction with nary a turnoff in between — officially known as U.S. Routes 191/89/26 — offers anything of much scenic value. The eastern-most areaRead More…